Nishida T 1968. The social group of wild chimpanzees in the Mahali Mountains. Primates9:167-224. Article
Nishida T 1970. Social behavior and relationship among wild chimpanzees of the Mahali Mountains. Primates11: 47-87. Article
Kano T 1971. Distribution of the Primates on the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika. Primates12: 281-304. Article
Nishida T Kawanaka K 1972. Inter-unit-group relationships among wild chimpanzees of the Mahali Mountains. Kyoto University African Studies7: 131-169. Article
Nishida T 1972. A note on the ecology of the red-colobus monkeys (Colobus badius tephrosceles) living in the Mahali Mountains. Primates13: 57-64. Article
Kano T 1972. Distribution and adaptation of the chimpanzee on the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika. Kyoto University African Studies7: 37-129. Article
Nishida T 1973. The ant-gathering behaviour by the use of tools among wild chimpanzees of the Mahali Mountains. Journal of Human Evolution2: 357-370. Article
Kawanaka K Nishida T 1974. Recent advances in the study of inter-unit-group relationships and social structure of wild chimpanzees of the Mahali Mountains. 5th Congress of International Primatological Society Abstracts Nagoyapp.94-95. Abstract
Kawanaka K Nishida T 1975. Recent advances in the study of inter-unit-group relationships and social structure of wild chimpanzees of the Mahali Mountains. In: Proceedings from the Symposia of the 5th Congress of the International Primatological Society Nagoya Japan August 1974 S Kondo M Kawai A Ehara S Kawamura (eds) Japan Science Press Tokyo pp. 173-186. Chapter
Nishida T 1976. The bark-eating habits in Primates with special reference to their status in the diet of wild chimpanzees. Folia Primatologica25: 277-287. Article
McGrew WC Tutin CEG 1978. Evidence for a social custom in wild chimpanzees? Man (ns) 13: 234-251. Article
Nishida T Uehara S Nyundo R 1979. Predatory behavior among wild chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains. Primates20: 1-20. Article
Nishida T 1979. The social structure of chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains. In: The Great Apes DA Hamburg ER McCown (eds) Benjamin/Cummings Menlo Park pp. 73-121. Chapter
Nishida T Uehara S 1980. Chimpanzees tools and termites: Another example from Tanzania. Current Anthropology 21: 671-672. Article
Nishida T Hasegawa M 1980. Tool-use of wild chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains Tanzania with special reference to fishing for Camponotus ants. Anthropologia Contemporanea (8th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts) 3:247-248. Abstract
Nishida T 1980. Chimp's predatory behaviour. Sunday News Dar es SalaamJan.20 1980. Essay
Nishida T 1980. Chimpanzee culture. Sunday News Dar es SalaamJan.13 1980. Essay
Nishida T 1980. On inter-unit-group aggression and intra-group cannibalism among wild chimpanzees. Human Ethology Newsletter31: 21-24. Article
Nishida T 1980. Local differences in responses to water among wild chimpanzees. Folia Primatologica33: 189-209. Article
Nishida T 1980. The leaf-clipping display: A newly-discovered expressive gesture in wild chimpanzees. Journal of Human Evolution9: 117-128. Article
Itani J 1980. Social structure of African great apes. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility Supplement28: 33-41. Article
Anonymous 1980. Mahale: Study for the Proposed Mahale Mountains National Park (Final Report May 1980). Japan International Cooperation Agency Tokyo . Book
Nishida T Uehara S 1981. Kitongwe names of plants: A preliminary listing. African Study Monographs1: 109-131. Article
Nishida T Itani J Hiraiwa M Hasegawa T 1981. A newly- discovered population of Colobus angolensis in East Africa. Primates22: 557-563. Article
Kawanaka K 1981. Infanticide and cannibalism in chimpanzees with special reference to the newly observed case in the Mahale Mountains. African Study Monographs1: 69-99. Article
Uehara S 1982. Seasonal changes in the techniques employed by wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania to feed on termites (Pseudacanthotermes spiniger). Folia Primatologica37: 44-76. Article
Norikoshi K 1982. One observed case of cannibalism among wild chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains. Primates23: 66-74. Article
Nishida T Hiraiwa M 1982. Natural history of a tool-using behavior by wild chimpanzees in feeding upon wood-boring ants. Journal of Human Evolution11: 73-99. Article
Mori A 1982. An ethological study on chimpanzees at the artificial feeding place in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania with special reference to the booming situation. Primates23: 45-65. Article
Kawanaka K 1982. A case of inter-unit-group encounter in chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains. Primates23: 558-562. Article
Kawanaka K 1982. Further studies on predation by chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains. Primates23: 364-384. Article
Itani J 1982. Intraspecific killing among non-human primates. Journal of Social Biology and Structure5: 361-368. Article
Yasui K Takahata Y 1983. Skeletal observation of a wild chimpanzee infant (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) from the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. African Study Monographs4: 129-138. Article
Wrangham RW Nishida T 1983. Aspilia spp. leaves: A puzzle in the feeding behavior of wild chimpanzees. Primates24: 276- 282. Article
Uehara S Nyundo R 1983. One observed case of temporary adoption of an infant by unrelated nulliparous females among wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Primates24: 456-466. Article
Takasaki H 1983. Seed dispersal by chimpanzees: A preliminary note. African Study Monographs3: 105-108. Article
Takasaki H 1983. Mahale chimpanzees taste mangoes: Toward acquisition of a new food item? Primates24: 273-275. Article
Norikoshi K 1983. Prevalent phenomenon of predation observed among wild chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon91: 475-479. Article
Nishida T Wrangham RW Goodall J Uehara S 1983. Local differences in plant-feeding habits of chimpanzees between the Mahale Mountains and Gombe National Park Tanzania. Journal of Human Evolution12: 467-480. Article
Nishida T Uehara S 1983. Natural diet of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii): Long-term record from the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. African Study Monographs3: 109-130. Article
Nishida T 1983. Alpha status and agonistic alliance in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii). Primates24: 318- 336. Article
Nishida T 1983. Alloparental behavior in wild chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Folia Primatologica41: 1-33. Article
Mori A 1983. Comparison of the communicative vocalizations and behaviors of group ranging in eastern gorillas chimpanzees and pygmy chimpanzees. Primates24: 486-500. Article
Hasegawa T Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M 1983. Opportunistic and restrictive matings among wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Journal of Ethology1: 75-85. Article
Hasegawa T Hiraiwa M Nishida T Takasaki H 1983. New evidence on scavenging behavior in wild chimpanzees. Current Anthropology 24: 231-232. Article
Uehara S 1984. Sex difference in feeding on Camponotus ants among wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. International Journal of Primatology (10th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts) 11:29 Abstract
Takasaki H Uehara S 1984. Seed dispersal by chimpanzees: Supplementary note 1. African Study Monographs5: 91-92. Article
Takahata Y Hasegawa T Nishida T 1984. Chimpanzee predation in the Mahale Mountains from August 1979 to May 1982 International Journal of Primatology5: 213-233. Article
Nishida T Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1984. Behavior of an adult male in one-male unit-group of chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. International Journal of Primatology (10th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts) 11:27 Abstract
Kawanaka K 1984. Association ranging and the social unit in chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. International Journal of Primatology 5: 411-434. Article
Itani J 1984. Inequality versus equality for coexistence in primate societies. In: Absolute Values and the New Cultural Evolution 12th Conference on the Unity of the Sciences I. C. U. S. Books New York pp. 161-189. Chapter
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M Hasegawa T Nishida T 1984. Demographic study of a large-sized unit-group of chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania: A preliminary report. Primates25: 401-413. Article
Hasegawa T Nishida T 1984. Progress report on Mahale National Park. IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group Newsletter4 March 1984: 37-38. Article
Takasaki H 1985. Female life history and mating patterns among the M group chimpanzees of the Mahale National Park Tanzania. Primates26: 121-129. Article
Takahata Y 1985. Adult male chimpanzees kill and eat a male newborn infant: Newly observed intragroup infanticide and cannibalism in Mahale National Park Tanzania. Folia Primatologica44: 161-170. Article
Rodriguez E Aregullin M Nishida T Uehara S Wrangham RW Abramowski Z Finlayson A Towers GHN 1985. Thiarubrine A a bioactive constituent of Aspilia (Asteraceae) consumed by wild chimpanzees. Experientia41: 419-420. Article
Nishida T Kawanaka K 1985. Within-group cannibalism by adult male chimpanzees. Primates26: 274-284. Article
Nishida T Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M Hasegawa T Takahata Y 1985. Group extinction and female transfer in wild chimpanzees in the Mahale National Park Tanzania. Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie67: 284-301. Article
Nishida T Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M 1985. Responses to a stranger mother-son pair in the wild chimpanzee: A case report. Primates26: 1-13. Article
Nishida T 1985. The Mahale Mountains declared a National Park. International Primate Protection League Newsletter12(3): 9. Abstract
McGrew WC Collins DA 1985. Tool use by wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) to obtain termites (Macrotermes herus) in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. American Journal of Primatology 9: 47-62. Article
Hayaki H 1985. Social play of juvenile and adolescent chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates26: 343-360. Article
Hayaki H 1985. Copulation of adolescent male chimpanzees with special reference to the influence of adult males in the Mahale National Park Tanzania. Folia Primatologica44: 148-160. Article
Collins DA McGrew WC 1985. Chimpanzees' (Pan troglodytes) choice of prey among termites (Macrotermitinae) in Western Tanzania. Primates26: 375-389. Article
Uehara S 1986. Sex and group differences in feeding on animals by wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates27: 1-13. Article
Takasaki H Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M Takahata Y Byrne RW Kano T 1986. A case of unusually early postpartum resumption of estrous cycling in a young female chimpanzee in the wild. Primates27: 517-519. Article
Takahata Y Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M Takasaki H Nyundo R 1986. Newly acquired feeding habits among the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Human Evolution1: 277-284. Article
Power M 1986. The foraging adaptation of chimpanzees and the recent behaviors of the provisioned apes in Gombe and Mahale National Parks Tanzania. Human Evolution1(3):251-265. Article
Nishida T 1986. Development of reciprocity in grooming between chimpanzee mother and offspring. Primate ReportNo.14 p. 186. Abstract
Nishida T 1986. Reciprocity in grooming among wild chimpanzees: A preliminary report. Proceedings of the 23rd Congress of Japan Association for African Studiesp. 4. Abstract
Nishida T 1986. Studying the chimps. Sunday News Dar es SalaamFeb.16 1986 p.7. Essay
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M Byrne RW Takasaki H Byrne JME 1986. Aggression toward large carnivores by wild chimpanzees of Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Folia Primatologica47: 8-13. Article
Uehara S Nishida T 1987. Body weights of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. American Journal of Physical Anthropology72: 315-321. Article
Takasaki H Hunt K 1987. Further medicinal plant consumption in wild chimpanzees? African Study Monographs 8: 125-128. Article
Takada H Uehara S 1987. Drosophilid flies (Diptera) in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania: A preliminary report. African Study Monographs7: 15-19. Article
Nishida T Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M 1987. Chimpanzees and bonobos: Cooperative relationships among males. In: Primate Societies BB Smuts DL Cheney RM Seyfarth RW Wrangham TT Struhsaker (eds) The University of Chicago Press Chicago pp. 165-177. Chapter
Nishida T 1987. Local traditions and cultural transmission. In: Primate Societies BB Smuts DL Cheney RM Seyfarth RW Wrangham TT Struhsaker (eds) The University of Chicago Press Chicago pp. 462-474. Chapter
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M 1987. Infanticide in Primates and a possible case of male-biased infanticide in chimpanzees. In: Animal Societies; Theories and Facts Y Ito JL Brown J Kikkawa (eds) Japan Scientific Societies Press Tokyo pp. 125-139. Chapter
Collins DA McGrew WC 1987. Termite fauna related to differences in tool-use between groups of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Primates28: 457-471. Article
Okada T Asada N Kawanaka K 1988. A result of Drosophilid survey in Tanzania. African Study Monographs8: 159-163. Article
Nishida T 1988. Development of social grooming between mother and offspring in wild chimpanzees. Folia Primatologica50: 109-123. Article
Itani J 1988. The origin of human equality. In: Social Fabric of the Mind. MRA Chance (ed) Lawrence Erlbaum Associations Hillsdale pp. 137-156. Chapter
Huffman MA 1988. Observations on the illness and consumption of a possibly medicinal plant Vernonia amygdalina (Del.) by a wild chimpanzee in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primate Research7:00 Abstract
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M Hasegawa T 1988. A case of offspring desertion by a female chimpanzee and the behavioral changes of the abandoned offspring. Primates29: 319-330. Article
Hayaki H 1988. Association patterns of young chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates29: 147-161. Article
Collins DA McGrew WC 1988. Habitats of three groups of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in western Tanzania compared. Journal of Human Evolution17: 553-574. Article
Takahata H Takahata Y 1989. Inter-unit-group transfer of an immature male common chimpanzee and his social interactions in the non-natal group. African Study Monographs9: 209-220. Article
Nishida T 1989. Nonhuman primate cultures and their conservation. IPS Bulletin26(2): 1. Abstract
Nishida T 1989. Deceptive behavior in young chimpanzees. Journal of Anthropological Society of Nippon97: 270. Abstract
Nishida T 1989. Social structure and dynamics of the chimpanzee: A review. In: Perspectives in Primate Biology Vol. 3 PK Seth S. Seth (eds) Today Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers New Delhi pp. 157-172. Chapter
Nishida T 1989. Social interactions between resident and immigrant female chimpanzees. In: Understanding Chimpanzees PG Heltne LA Marquardt (eds) Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass. pp. 68-89. Chapter
Nishida T 1989. Research at Mahale. In: Understanding Chimpanzees PG Heltne LA Marquardt (eds) Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass. pp. 66-67. Chapter
Nishida T 1989. A note on the chimpanzee ecology of the Ugalla area Tanzania. Primates30: 129-138. Article
Kawanaka K 1989. Age differences in social interactions of young males in a chimpanzee unit-group at the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates30: 285-305. Article
Huffman MA Seifu M 1989. Observations on the illness and consumption of a possibly medicinal plant Vernonia amygdalina (Del.) by a wild chimpanzee in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates30: 51-63. Article
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M 1989. Sex differences in the behavioral development of chimpanzees at Mahale. In: Understanding Chimpanzees PG Heltne LA Marquardt (eds) Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass. pp. 104-115. Chapter
Hayaki H Huffman MA Nishida T 1989. Dominance among male chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania: A preliminary study. Primates30: 187-197. Article
Hasegawa T 1989. Sexual behavior of immigrant and resident female chimpanzees at Mahale. In: Understanding Chimpanzees PG Heltne LA Marquardt (eds) Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass. pp. 90-103. Chapter
Uehara S 1990. Characteristics of predation by the chimpanzees at Mahale and cross-population comparisons of chimpanzee hunting. 13th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Nagoya Kyotop. 146. Abstract
Uehara S 1990. A preliminary report on age differences in plant-feeding behavior among adult and adolescent males. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 223-236. Chapter
Tsukahara T Nishida T 1990. The first evidence for predation by lions on wild chimpanzees. 13th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Nagoya Kyotop. 82. Abstract
Takasaki H Nishida T Uehara S Norikoshi K Kawanaka K Takahata Y Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M Hasegawa T Hayaki H Masui K Huffman MA 1990. Summary of meteorological data at Mahale research camps 1973-1988 In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 291-300. Chapter
Takahata Y 1990. Social relationships among adult males. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 149-170. Chapter
Takahata Y 1990. Adult males' social relations with adult females. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 133-148. Chapter
Nishida T Takasaki H Takahata Y 1990. Demography and reproductive profiles. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 63-97. Chapter
Nishida T (ed) 1990. The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains; Sexual and Life History Strategies.University of Tokyo Press Tokyo . Book
Nishida T 1990. Meat-sharing by an alpha male as a coalition strategy? 13th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Nagoya Kyotop. 146. Abstract
Nishida T 1990. Deceptive behavior in young chimpanzees: An essay. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 285-290. Chapter
Nishida T 1990. A quarter century of research in the Mahale Mountains: An overview. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 3-35. Chapter
Newton PN Nishida T 1990. Possible buccal administration of herbal drugs by wild Chimpanzees Pan troglodytes. Animal Behaviour39: 798-801. Article
Koshimizu K Ohigashi H Huffman MA Nishida T Takasaki H 1990. Physiological activities of possible medicinal plants for wild chimpanzees and their active constituents. 13th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Nagoya Kyotop. 162. Abstract
Kawanaka K 1990. Age differences in ant-eating by adult and adolescent males. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 207-222. Chapter
Kawanaka K 1990. Alpha males' interactions and social skills. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 171-187. Chapter
Itani J 1990. Safari surveys of the vegetation and the chimpanzee groups in the northern half of the Mahale Mountains. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 37-61. Chapter
Huffman MA Hamai M Tsukahara T Turner LA 1990. Intestinal parasites of the Mahale M unit-group chimpanzees: Further evidence in support of chimpanzee behavioral adaptations for the treatment of parasite related illness. 13th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Nagoya Kyotop. 112. Abstract
Huffman MA 1990. Some socio-behavioral manifestations of old age. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 237-255. Chapter
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M 1990. A note on the ontogeny of feeding. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 277-283. Chapter
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M 1990. Role of food sharing between mother and infant in the ontogeny of feeding behavior. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 267-275. Chapter
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M 1990. Maternal investment before weaning. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 257-266. Chapter
Hayaki H 1990. Social context of pant-grunting in young chimpanzees. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 189-206. Chapter
Hasegawa T Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M 1990. Sperm competition and mating behavior. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 115-132. Chapter
Hasegawa T 1990. Sex differences in ranging patterns. In: The Chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains: Sexual and Life History Strategies T Nishida (ed) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 99-114. Chapter
Hamai M Nakamura M Asou T Nishida T Nyundo R Turner L Tsukahara T Huffman MA 1990. The cannibalism observed recently among the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains. 13th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Nagoya Kyotop. 191. Abstract
Ohigashi H Takagaki T Koshimizu K Watanabe K Kaji M Hoshino J Nishida T Huffman MA Takasaki H Jato J Muanza DN 1991. Biological activities of plant extracts from tropical Africa. African Study Monographs12: 201-210. Article
Ohigashi H Jisaka M Takagaki T Nozaki H Tada T Huffman MA Nishida T Kaji M Koshimizu K 1991. Bitter principles and a related steroid glucoside from Vernonia amygdalina a possible medicinal plant for wild chimpanzees. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry55: 1201-1203. Article
Nishida T 1991. Primate gastronomy: Cultural food preferences in nonhuman Primates and origins of cuisine. In: Chemical Senses Vol. 4 Appetite and Nutrition MI Friedman MG Tordoff MR Kare (eds) Marcel Dekker New York pp. 195-209. Chapter
Kawabata M Nishida T 1991. A preliminary note on the intestinal parasites of wild Chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Primates32: 275-278. Article
Hunt KD 1991. Mechanical implications of chimpanzee positional behavior. American Journal of Physical Anthropology86: 521-536. Article
Hunt KD 1991. Positional behavior in the Hominoidea. International Journal of Primatology12: 95-118. Article
Huffman MA 1991. The use of naturally occurring plants for the possible treatment of parasite disease by wild chimpanzees. In: Window on Wildlife: Research in Tanzania E Niemi A Outwater (eds) Tanzania Printers Dar es Salaam pp. 39-41. Chapter
Uehara S Nishida T Hamai M Hasegawa T Hayaki H Huffman MA Kawanaka K Kobayashi S Mitani JC Takahata Y Takasaki H Tsukahara T 1992. Characteristics of predation by the chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. In: Topics in Primatology Vol. 1: Human Origins T Nishida WC McGrew P Marler M Pickford FBM de Waal (eds) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 143-158. Chapter
Uehara S 1992. Conflict interactions among male chimpanzees at Mahale: film and discussion. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences15:12 Abstract
Takasaki H Takenaka O 1992. Non-invasive sampling of DNA from wild chimpanzees. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences16:08 Abstract
Takasaki H 1992. Mother-infant scenes of Mahale M group chimpanzees (video presentation). Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences16:09 Abstract
Takasaki H 1992. Tool using scenes of Mahale M group chimpanzees (video presentation). Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences16:12 Abstract
Takasaki H 1992. Hunting scenes of Mahale M group chimpanzees (video presentation). Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences16:10 Abstract
Takasaki H 1992. Play scenes of Mahale M group chimpanzees. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences16:11 Abstract
Page JE Balza F Nishida T Towers GHN 1992. Biologically active diterpenes from Aspilia mossambicensis a chimpanzee medicinal plant. Phytochemistry31: 3437-3439. Article
Ohigashi H Huffman MA Kawanaka M Koshimizu K 1992. Do wild chimpanzees use Vernonia amygdalina for parasite diseases? 9th Annual International Society of Chemical Ecology Abstracts Kyoto. Abstract
Nishida T Hasegawa T Hayaki H Takahata Y Uehara S 1992. Meat-sharing as a coalition strategy by an alpha male chimpanzee? In: Topics in Primatology Vol. 1: Human Origins T Nishida WC McGrew P Marler M Pickford FBM de Waal (eds) University of Tokyo Press Tokyo pp. 159-174. Chapter
Nishida T 1992. Mahale update (poster presentation). Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences15:38 Abstract
Nishida T 1992. Fighting and reconciliation (video presentation). Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences15:13 Abstract
Nishida T 1992. Group specific behavior: Mahale (video presentation). Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences15:21 Abstract
Nishida T 1992. Weaning conflict in chimpanzees. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences15:14 Abstract
Mitani JC Hasegawa T Gros-Louis J Marler P Byrne R 1992. Dialects in wild chimpanzees? American Journal of Primatology 27: 233-243. Article
Massawe ET 1992. Assessment of the status of chimpanzee populations in western Tanzania. African Study Monographs13: 35- 55. Article
Jisaka M Ohigashi H Takagi T Nozaki H Tada T Hirota M Irie R Huffman MA Nishida T Kaji M Koshimizu K 1992. Bitter steroid glucosides Vernoniosides A1 A2 and A3 and related B1 from a possible medicinal plant Vernonia amygdalina used by wild chimpanzees. Tetrahedron48: 625-632. Article
Jisaka M Kawanaka M Sugiyama H Takegawa K Huffman MA Ohigashi H Koshimizu K 1992. Antischistosomal activities of sesquiterpene lactones and steroid glucosides from Vernonia amygdalina possibly used by wild chimpanzees against parasite- related diseases. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry56: 845-846. Article
Hunt KD 1992. Positional behavior of Pan troglodytes in the Mahale Mountains and Gombe Stream National Parks Tanzania. American Journal of Physical Anthropology87: 83-105. Article
Hunt KD 1992. Social rank and body size as determinants of positional behavior in Pan troglodytes. Primates33: 347-357. Article
Huffman MA Koshimizu K Gotoh S Kawanaka M Wright CW Kirby GC Timon-David P 1992. The chemo-ethology of medicinal plant use in wild chimpanzees and other primates. 14th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Strasbourg. Abstract
Huffman MA 1992. Tool-assisted predation of a squirrel by a female chimpanzee in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Primate Research11:18 Abstract
Huffman MA 1992. Medicinal plant use by wild chimpanzees: A behavioral adaptation for parasite control? Symposium Zoopharmacognosy: Medicinal Plant Use by Wild Apes and Monkeys Special Section on Medicine and Technologies of the Future American Association for the Advancement of Science Abstracts Chicagop. 75. Abstract
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M 1992. Cannibalism among non-human Primates. In: Cannibalism: Ecology and Evolution among Diverse Taxa MA Elgar BJ Crespi (eds) Oxford University Press Oxford pp. 323-338. Chapter
Hamai M Nishida T Takasaki H Turner LA 1992. New records of within-group infanticide and cannibalism in wild chimpanzees. Primates33: 151-162. Article
Tsukahara T 1993. Lions eat chimpanzees: The first evidence of predation by lions on wild chimpanzees. American Journal of Primatology 29: 1-11. Article
Nishida T Nakamura M 1993. Chimpanzee tool use to clear a blocked nasal passage. Folia Primatologica61: 218-220. Article
Nishida T 1993. Chimpanzees are always new to me. In: The Great Ape Project: Equality beyond Humanity P Cavalieri P Singer (eds) Fourth Estate London pp. 24-26. Chapter
Nishida T 1993. Left nipple suckling preference in wild chimpanzees. Ethology and Sociobiology14: 45-52. Article
Mitani JC Nishida T 1993. Contexts and social correlates of long-distance calling by male chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour45: 735-746. Article
Koshimizu K Ohigashi H Huffman MA Nishida T Takasaki H 1993. Physiological activities and the active constituents of potentially medicinal plants used by wild chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. International Journal of Primatology 14: 345-356. Article
Kawanaka K 1993. Age differences in spatial positioning of males in a chimpanzee unit-group at the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates34: 255-270. Article
Jisaka M Ohigashi H Takegawa K Huffman MA Koshimizu K 1993. Antitumoral and antimicrobial activities of bitter sesquiterpene lactones of Vernonia amygdalina a possible medicinal plant used by wild chimpanzees. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry57: 833-834. Article
Jisaka M Ohigashi H Takegawa K Hirota M Irie R Huffman MA Koshimizu K 1993. Steroid glucosides from Vernonia amygdalina a possible chimpanzee medicinal plant. Phytochemistry34: 409-413. Article
Inagaki H Tsukahara T 1993. A method of identifying chimpanzee hairs in lion feces. Primates34: 109-112. Article
Hunt KD 1993. The mosaic lifeway of our australopithecine ancestors: Piecing in some fragments from the world of the chimpanzee. Anthro Quest47: 3-7. Article
Huffman MA Kalunde MS 1993. Tool-assisted predation on a squirrel by a female chimpanzee in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Primates34: 93-98. Article
Huffman MA Gotoh S Izutsu D Koshimizu K Kalunde MS 1993. Further observations on the use of the medicinal plant Vernonia amygdalina Del. by a wild chimpanzee its possible effect on parasite load and its phytochemistry. African Study Monographs14: 227-240. Article
Uehara S Nishida T Takasaki H Kitopeni R Kasagula MB Norikoshi K Tsukahara T Nyundo R Hamai M 1994. A lone male chimpanzee in the wild: The survivor of a disintegrated unit-group. Primates35: 275-281. Article
Uehara S Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M Hosaka K Hamai M 1994. The fate of defeated alpha male chimpanzees in relation to their social networks. Primates35: 49-55. Article
Ohigashi H Huffman MA Izutsu D Koshimizu K Kawanaka M Sugiyama H Kirby GC Warhurst DC Allen D Wright CW Phillipson JD Timmon-David P Delnas F Elias R Balansard G 1994. Toward the chemical ecology of medicinal plant use in chimpanzees: The case of Vernonia amygdalina a plant used by wild chimpanzees possibly for parasite-related diseases. Journal of Chemical Ecology20: 541-553. Article
Nishida T 1994. Review of recent findings on Mahale chimpanzees: Implications and future research directions. In: Chimpanzee Cultures RW Wrangham WC McGrew FBM de Waal PG Heltne (eds) Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass. pp. 373-396. Chapter
Mitani JC Brandt KL 1994. Social factors influence the acoustic variability in the long-distance calls of male chimpanzees. Ethology96: 233-252. Article
Mitani JC 1994. Ethological studies of chimpanzee vocal behavior. In: Chimpanzee Cultures RW Wrangham WC McGrew FBM de Waal PG Heltne (eds) Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass. pp. 195-210. Chapter
Koshimizu K Ohigashi H Huffman MA 1994. Use of Vernonia amygdalina by wild chimpanzees: Possible role of its bitter and related constituents. Physiology and Behavior57: 1209-1216. Article
Hunt KD 1994. The evolution of human bipedality: Ecology and functional morphology. Journal of Human Evolution26: 183-202. Article
Hunt KD 1994. Body size effects on vertical climbing among chimpanzees. International Journal of Primatology15: 855-865. Article
Huffman MA Wrangham RW 1994. Diversity of medicinal plant use by chimpanzees in the wild. In: Chimpanzee Cultures RW Wrangham WC McGrew FBM de Waal PG Heltne (eds) Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass. pp. 129-148. Chapter
Huffman MA 1994. The C. H. I. M. P. P.: A multi-disciplinary investigation into the use of medicinal plants by chimpanzees. Pan Africa News1(1): 3-5. Article
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M Hasegawa T 1994. Infanticide in nonhuman Primates: Sexual selection and local resource competition. In: Infanticide and Parental Care S Parmigiani FS vom Saal (eds) Harwood Chur pp. 137-154. Chapter
Hamai M 1994. Half-sibling relationship among wild chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Congress of the International Primatological Society0.911111111. Abstract
Gasquet M Huffman MA Wrangham RW 1994. Les plantes medicinales utilises par les chimpanzes sauvages. In: Metissages en Sante Animal K Kasonia M Ansay(eds) Presses Universitaires de Namur Namur (Belgium) pp. 289-297. Chapter
Doran DM Hunt KD 1994. Comparative locomotor behavior of chimpanzees and bonobos: Species and habitat differences. In: Chimpanzee Cultures RW Wrangham WC McGrew FBM de Waal PG Heltne (eds) Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass. pp. 93-108. Chapter
Turner LA 1995. Ntologi falls? Pan Africa News2 (2): 9-10. Article
Takahata Y Koyama N Suzuki S 1995. Do the old aged females experience a long post-reproductive life span?: The cases of Japanese macaques and chimpanzees. Primates36: 169-180. Article
Nishida T Hosaka K Nakamura M Hamai M 1995. A within-group gang attack on a young adult male chimpanzee: Ostracism of an ill-mannered member? Primates36: 207-211. Article
Nishida T 1995. An inaugural address for the Mahale Wildlife Conservation Society held at the University of Dar es Salaam on August 12 1994 Pan Africa News2 (1): 3-4. Essay
Nishida T 1995. Inauguration meeting of Mahale Wildlife Conservation Society held at the University of Dar es Salaam on August 12 1994 Pan Africa News2 (1): 1. Essay
Mitani JC Gros-Louis J 1995. Species and sex differences in the screams of chimpanzees and bonobos. International Journal of Primatology 16: 393-411. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A 1995. First record of a twin birth in chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. African Study Monographs16: 159-164. Article
Kayumbo H 1995. Opening address for inauguration of the Mahale Wildlife Conservation Society. Pan Africa News2 (1): 2-3. Essay
Huffman MA 1995. La pharmacope des chimpanzes. La Recherche October Issuepp. 66-71. Article
Hosaka K 1995. Chimpanzee predation on red colobus in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Anthropological Science103: 160. Abstract
Hosaka K 1995. A rival yesterday is a friend today: A grand political drama in the forest. Pan Africa News2 (2): 10-11. Article
Hosaka K 1995. Mahale: A single flu epidemic killed at least 11 chimps. Pan Africa News2 (2): 3-4. Article
Uehara S 1996. Hunting behaviour of the chimpanzees of Mahale. In: Proceedings of a Scientific Seminar to Mark 30 Years of Chimpanzee Research in the Mahale Mountains National Park Held in Dar es Salaam December 4-6 1995 edited and published by the Serengeti Wildlife Research Institute(SWRI) Arushapp. 41-50. Abstract
Turner LA 1996. Invasive plant in chimpanzee habitat at Mahale. Pan Africa News3 (1): 5. Article
Takahata Y Ihobe H Idani G 1996. Comparing copulations of chimpanzees and bonobos: Do females exhibit proceptivity or receptivity? In: Great Ape Societies WC McGrew LF Marchant T Nishida (eds) Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 146-155. Chapter
Ohigashi H Huffman MA Koshimizu K 1996. In the search for potential medicines from the tropics: Interfacing chimpanzee behavior and African ethnomedicine. 5th International Symposium on Traditional Medicine in Toyama Abstract Toyamapp. 165-174. Abstract
Nishida T Turner LA 1996. Food transfer between mother and infant chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains National Park. International Journal of Primatology 17: 947-968. Article
Nishida T Hosaka K 1996. Coalition strategies among adult male chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains. In: Great Ape Societies WC McGrew LF Marchant T Nishida (eds) Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 114-134. Chapter
Nishida T 1996. Eradication of the invasive exotic tree Senna spectabilis in the Mahale Mountains. Pan Africa News3 (2): 6-7. Article
Nishida T 1996. The exhibition and workshop to commemorate the 30th anniversary of chimpanzee research at Mahale. Pan Africa News3 (1): 1-2. Essay
Nishida T 1996. Mahale chimpanzee studies: Past present and future. 16th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Madison. Abstract
Nishida T 1996. Chimpanzee research findings implications and future lines of investigation. In: Proceedings of a Scientific Seminar to mark 30 years of Chimpanzee Research in the Mahale Mountains National Park held in Dar es Salaam December 4-6 1995 Serengeti Wildlife Research Institute pp. 97-105. Abstract
Nishida T 1996. Thirty years of chimpanzees research at the Mahale Mountains National Park. In: Proceedings of a Scientific Seminar to mark 30 years of Chimpanzee Research in the Mahale Mountains National Park held in Dar es Salaam December 4-6 1995 Serengeti Wildlife Research Institute pp. 7-17. Abstract
Nishida T 1996. The death of Ntologi the unparalleled leader of M group. Pan Africa News3 (1): 4. Article
Mitani JC Gros-Louis J Macedonia JM 1996. Selection for acoustic individuality within the vocal repertoire of wild chimpanzees. International Journal of Primatology 17: 569-583. Article
Mitani JC 1996. Comparative studies of African ape vocal behavior. In: Great Ape Societies WC McGrew LF Marchant T Nishida (eds) Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 241-254. Chapter
Matsumoto-Oda A 1996. Female sexual cycle and chimpanzee party size in the Mahale Mountains. 16th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Madison. Abstract
Mahaney WC Hancock RGV Aufreiter S Huffman MA 1996. Geochemistry and clay mineralogy of termite mound soil and the role of geophagy in chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Primates37: 121-134. Article
Kawanaka K 1996. Observation time and sampling intervals for measuring behavior and interactions of chimpanzees in the wild. Primates37: 185-196. Article
Ihobe H 1996. Life-span of chimpanzee beds at the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. 16th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstaracts Madisonp. 245. Abstract
Huffman MA Page JE Sukhdeo MVK Gotoh S Kalunde MS Chandrasiri T Towers GHN 1996. Leaf-swallowing by chimpanzees: A behavioral adaptation for the control of strongyle nematode infections. International Journal of Primatology 17: 475-503. Article
Huffman MA Page JE Ohigashi H Gotoh S 1996. Leaf-swallowing by chimpanzees for the control of strongyle nematode infections: Behavioral chemical and parasitological evidence. 16th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Madison. Abstract
Huffman MA Koshimizu K Ohigashi H 1996. Ethnobotany and zoopharmacognosy of Vernonia amygdalina a medicinal plant used by humans and chimpanzees. In: Compositae: Biology Utilization Vol. 2. PDS Caligari and DJN Hind (eds) The Royal Botanical Gardens Kew pp. 351-360. Chapter
Hosaka K 1996. The relations between meat sharing behavior and decision to group hunt by the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains. 16th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Madison. Abstract
Uehara S 1997. Predation on mammals by the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). Primates38: 193-214. Article
Page JE Huffman MA Smith V Towers GHN 1997. Chemical basis for medicinal consumption of Aspilia leaf-swallowing by chimpanzees: A reanalysis. Journal of Chemical Ecology23: 2211-2226. Article
Nishida T 1997. President's corner: Chimp-medicine? Bulletin of International Primatological Society24 (1): 1. Abstract
Nishida T 1997. Baboon invasion into chimpanzee habitat. Pan Africa News4 (2): 11-12. Article
Nishida T 1997. Sexual behavior of adult male chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates38: 379-398. Article
Nakamura M 1997. First observed case of chimpanzee predation on yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) at the Mahale Mountains National Park. Pan Africa News4 (2): 9-11. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A 1997. Self-suckling behavior by a wild chimpanzee. Folia Primatologica68: 342-343. Article
Mahaney WC Zippin J Milner MW Huffman MA et al. 1997. Self-medication practiced by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Advances in Ethology32:177. Abstract
Lukosi N 1997. A brief note on possible control of Senna spectabilis an invasive exotic tree at Mahale. Pan Africa News4 (2): 18. Article
Ihobe H 1997. Anti-predator strategy of red colobus monkeys: Changes of activity and height. Anthropological Science105:49. Abstract
Huffman MA Gotoh S Turner LA Hamai M Yoshida K 1997. Seasonal trends in intestinal nematode infection and medicinal plant use among chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates38: 111-125. Article
Huffman MA 1997. Self-medication in African great apes: Ancient wisdom as a modern paradigm for treating tropical diseases. International Symposium on Natural Medicines 50th Congress of the Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy Abstracts Kyotop. 23. Abstract
Huffman MA 1997. Practical applications from the study of great ape self-medication and conservation related issues. Pan Africa News4 (2): 15-16. Article
Huffman MA 1997. Current evidence for self-medication in Primates: a multidisciplinary perspective. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology40: 171-200. Article
Wakibara JV 1998. Observations on the pilot control of Senna spectabilis an invasive exotic tree in the Mahale Mountains National Park Western Tanzania. Pan Africa News5(1): 4-6. Article
Uehara S Ihobe H 1998. Distribution and abundance of diurnal mammals especially monkeys at Kasoje Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Anthropological Science106: 349-369. Article
Sasaki H Nishida T 1998. Preliminary notes on the medical important dipterous insects at the Mahale Mountains national Park in Tanzania East Africa. In: Resource Use Patterns and Social Structure among Chimpanzees T Nishida (ed) Nisshindo Kyoto pp. 67-73. Chapter
Sakamaki T 1998. First record of algae-feeding by a female chimpanzee at Mahale. Pan Africa News5 (1): 1-3. Article
Norikoshi K 1998. Hand preference of wild chimpanzees observed in their tool behaviour. In: Resource Use Patterns and Social Structure among Chimpanzees T Nishida (ed) Nisshindo Kyoto pp. 97-104. Chapter
Nishida T 1998. Primate culture and primate conservation. 17th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Antananarivop. 46. Abstract
Nishida T 1998. Deceptive tactic by an adult male chimpanzee to snatch a dead infant from its mother. Pan Africa News5 (2): 13-15. Article
Nigi H Nishida T Itoh N Sakamaki T 1998. Helminthic parasites infection in wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania in dry season. In: Resource Use Patterns and Social Structure among Chimpanzees T Nishida (ed) Nisshindo Kyoto pp. 57-62. Chapter
Nakamura M 1998. The number of grooming partners in chimpanzees: Age and sex differences. In: Resource Use Patterns and Social Structure among Chimpanzees T Nishida (ed) Nisshindo Kyoto pp. 75-85. Chapter
McGrew WC Marchant LF 1998. Chimpanzee wears a knotted skin necklace. Pan Africa News5 (1): 8-9. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A Oda R 1998. Changes in the activity budget of cycling female chimpanzees. American Journal of Primatology 46: 157-166. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A Hosaka K Huffman MA Kawanaka K 1998. Factors affecting party size in chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains. International Journal of Primatology 19: 999-1011. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A 1998. Social relationships between cycling females and adult males in Mahale chimpanzees. 17th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Antananarivo. Abstract
Matsumoto-Oda A 1998. Injuries to the sexual skin of female chimpanzees at Mahale and their effect on behaviour. Folia Primatologica69: 400-404. Article
Kawanaka K 1998. Changes in relationships among highest ranking males of a unit-group of chimpanzees at the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania- a progress report of the research in 1996 In: Resource Use Patterns and Social Structure among Chimpanzees T Nishida (ed) Nisshindo Kyoto pp. 87-96. Chapter
Itoh N Nishida T Turner L 1998. Density and distribution patterns of woody vegetation in the Kasoje forest in view of the food of chimpanzees. A preliminary report. In: Resource Use Patterns and Social Structure among Chimpanzees T Nishida (ed) Nisshindo Kyoto pp. 3-22. Chapter
Ihobe H 1998. Anti-predation behavior of red colobus at Mahale Tanzania. 17th Congress of the International Primatological Society Abstracts Antananarivop. 142. Abstract
Ihobe H 1998. Life span of chimpanzee beds at the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. In: Resource Use Patterns and Social Structure among Chimpanzees T Nishida (ed) Nisshindo Kyoto pp. 49-56. Chapter
Huffman MA Ohigashi H Kawanaka M Page JE Kirby GC Gasquet M Murakami A Koshimizu K 1998. African great ape self-medication: A new paradigm for treating parasite disease with natural medicines? In: Towards Natural Medicine Research in the 21st Century Y Ebizuka (ed) Elsevier Science B.V. Excerpta Medica Amsterdam pp. 113-123. Chapter
Huffman MA Hirata S Matsuzawa T 1998. Spontaneous leaf swallowing in captive Chimpanzees: Evidence for a predisposition to perform a behavioral component of great ape self-medication. Napoli Social Learning Conference Abstracts Napolip. 79. Abstract
Huffman MA Elias R Balansard G Ohigashi H Nansen P 1998. L'automediation chez les singes anthropoides: unde etude multidisciplinaire sur le comportement le regime alimentaire et la sante. Primatologie1: 179-204. Article
Huffman MA 1998. The relative contributions of biological predispositions social learning and ecology in the transmission and maintenance of behavioral traditions: A case study of self-medicative behavior in the African great apes. Napoli Social Learning Conference Abstracts Napolip. 39. Abstract
Hofer A Huffman MA Zeisler G 1998. Mahale - Begegnung mit Schimpansen.PAN Edition im Verlag Navalon Fusen pp. 159 . Book
Gunji H Hosaka K Huffman MA Kawanaka K et al 1998. Four free-ranging chimpanzee skeletons from the Mahale Mountains National Park Tzanania. Anthropological Science106: 184 Abstract
Zippin J 1999. The geochemistry and mineralogy of termite mound soils eaten by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) of the Mahale Mountains western Tanzania. Dissertation Abstracts InternationalB60(1):887. Abstract
Whiten A Goodall J McGrew WC Nishida T Reynolds V Sugiyama Y Tutin CEG Wrangham RW Boesch C 1999. Cultures in chimpanzees. Nature399: 682-685. Article
Uehara S 1999. Symposium on Mahale. Pan Africa News6: 15-16. Essay
Uehara S 1999. Predatory behavior among chimpanzees with reference to the distribution and abundance of diurnal prey mammals especially monkeys at Kasoje Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Anthropological Science107: 70. Abstract
Uehara S 1999. Why don't the chimpanzees of M group at Mahale fish for termites? Pan Africa News 6: 22-24. Article
Sprague DS Matsumoto-Oda A 1999. Topographic effects on measures of primate habitat-use in mountainous study sites in Japan and Africa. American Journal of Physical AnthropologySupplement 28: 257. Abstract
Sasaki H Nishida T 1999. Notes on the flies associated with wild chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania East Africa. Medical Entomology and Zoology50: 151-155. Article
Nishida T Kano T Goodall J McGrew WC Nakamura M 1999. Ethogram and ethnography of Mahale chimpanzees. Anthropological Science107: 141-188. Article
Nakamura M Fukuda F 1999. Chimpanzees to the east of the Mahale Mountains. Pan Africa News6: 5-7. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A Hayashi Y 1999. Nutritional aspects of fruit choice by chimpanzees. Folia Primatologica70: 154-162. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A 1999. Female choice in the opportunistic mating of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at Mahale. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology46: 258-266. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A 1999. Mahale chimpanzees: grouping patterns and cycling females. American Journal of Primatology 47: 197-207. Article
Matsumoto-0da A Kasuya E Takahata Y 1999. Asynchrony of estrous swelling in Mahale chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical AnthropologySupplement 28: 193. Abstract
Marchant LF McGrew WC Nakamura M 1999. Social scratch a newly reported custom in social grooming by the chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. American Journal of Physical AnthropologySuppl 28:190 Abstract
Marchant LF McGrew WC 1999. Innovative behavior at Mahale: New data on nasal probe and nipple press. Pan Africa News6: 16-18. Article
Mahaney WC Zippin J Milner MW Sanmugadas K Hancock RGV Aufreiter S Campbell S Huffman MA Wink M Malloch D Kalm V 1999. Chemistry mineralogy and microbiology of termite mound soil eaten by the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains Western Tanzania. Journal of Tropical Ecology15: 565-588. Article
Itoh N Sakamaki T Hamisi M Kitopeni R Bunengwa M Matumla M Athumani K Mwami M Bunengwa H 1999. A new record of invasion by an unknown unit group into the center of M group territory. Pan Africa News6 (1): 8-10. Article
Ihobe H 1999. Anti-chinpanzee-hunting strategy of red colobus monkeys at Mahale Tanzania. Anthropological Science107: 70. Abstract
Huffman MA 1999. Ape self-medication: New sources for the treatment of parasitosis. Session: Non-conventional Treatment of Helminths and Product Development. 17th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology Abstractsf5-o1. Abstract
Gasser RB Woods WG Huffman MA Blotkamp J Polderman AM 1999. Molecular separation of Oesophagostomum stephanostomum and Oesophagostomum bifurcum (Nematoda: Strongyloidea) from non-human Primates. International Journal for Parasitology29: 1087-1091. Article
Coe JC 1999. The architect's perspective of the chimpanzees of Mahale Mountain. Chimpanzoo Conference Proceedingspp.17-18. Abstract
Uehara S Ihobe H 2000. Opportunistic hunting by the chimpanzees at Mahale and its impact on mammalian prey populations. Symposium Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos Organized by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Abstract Seeon (Germany)p. 29. Abstract
Reece S Marzke MW Merchant LF McGrew WC 2000. Food object manipulation by chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park. American Journal of Physical AnthropologySuppl 30:259-260. Abstract
Reece S Marzke MW Merchant LF McGrew WC 2000. Food object manipulation by chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park. American Journal of Physical AnthropologySuppl 30: 259-260. Abstract
Nishida T Ohigashi H Koshimizu K 2000. Tastes of chimpanzee plant foods. Current Anthropology 41:431-438. Article
Nishida T 2000. New visitor centre in Mahale Park. Pan Africa News7: 4-5. Essay
Nishida T 2000. Demography and reproductive profiles of the Mahale chimpanzees revisited. Symposium Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos Organized by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Abstract Seeon (Germany)p. 24. Abstract
Nishida T 2000. The conservation of chimpanzees in the new millennium. Conference The Apes: Challenges for the 21st Century Abstracts Brookfield Zoo Chicagop. 51. Abstract
Nakamura M McGrew WC Marchant L Nishida T 2000. Social scratch: Another custom in wild chimpanzees? Primates41:237-248. Article
Nakamura M 2000. Is human conversation more efficient than chimpanzee grooming?: Comparison of clique sizes. Human Nature11:281-297. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A Kasagula MB 2000. Preliminary study of feeding competition between baboons and chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. African Study Monographs21:147-157. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A 2000. Chimpanzee female-male friendships and female-female competition as reproductive strategy. Symposium Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos Organized by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Abstract Seeon (Germany)p. 17. Abstract
Huffman MA Hirata S 2000. Ecological and biological basis of primate behavioral traditions. Traditions in Nonhuman Primates: Models and Evidence Symposium University of Georgia Atlanta Abstracts Atlantap. 12. Abstract
Huffman MA 2000. Investigating the animal origins of herbal medicine: Old ways of solving new problems? 4th European Colloquium on Ethnopharmacology Abstracts Metz (France). Abstract
Huffman MA 2000. Cross-site comparison of self-medicative behavior in the African great apes. Symposium Behavioral Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos Organized by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Abstracts Seeon (Germany)p.13. Abstract
Huffman MA 2000. Forest Pharmacy. Healthy OptionsMarch Issue: 10-14. Article
Hosaka K 2000. Mammal hunting and meat-eating of chimpanzees. Anthropological Science108: 72. Abstract
Hofer A Huffman MA Ziesler G 2000. Mahale; a Photographic Encounter with Chimpanzees.Sterling Publishing New York . Book
Alados CL Huffman MA 2000. Fractal long range correlations in behavioural sequences of wild chimpanzees: a non-invasive analytical tool for the evaluation of health. Ethology106: 105-116. Article
Whiten A Goodall J McGrew WC Nishida T Reynolds V Sugiyama Y Tutin CEG Wrangham RW Boesch C 2001. Charting the cultural variation of chimpanzees. Behaviour138:1489-1525. Article
Sakamaki T Itoh N Nishida T 2001. An attempted within-group infanticide in wild chimpanzees. Primates42:359-366. Article
Nishida T Wrangham RW Jones HJ Marshall A Wakibara J 2001. Do chimpanzees survive the 21st country? Conference Proceedings of the Apes: Challenges for the 21st Century. Chicago Zoological Society Chicagopp. 43-51. Article
Nishida T 2001. Cultural behaviour patterns among East African chimpanzees. Second Annual Scientific Conference of Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Abstracts and Programme Arusha (Tanzania)p. 9. Abstract
Nakamura M Itoh N 2001. Sharing of wild fruits among male chimpanzees: Two cases from Mahale Tanzania. Pan Africa News8:28-31. Article
McGrew WC Marchant LF Scott SE Tutin CEG 2001 2001. Inter-group differences in a social custom of wild chimpanzees: The grooming hand-clasp of the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Current Anthropology 42: 148-153. Article
McGrew WC Marchant LF Nakamura M Nishida T 2001. Local customs in wild chimpanzees: the grooming hand-clasp in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. American Journal of Physical AnthropologySupplement 32: 107. Abstract
McGrew WC Marchant LF 2001. Ethological study of manual laterality in the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Behaviour138: 329-358. Article
Matsusaka T 2001. A field study of laughter in Mahale Chimpanzees. In: Hayashibara Forum 2001 / The 4th International SAGA Symposium: Evolutionary Neighbors Abstractsp.100. Abstract
Matsumoto-Oda A Oda R 2001. Activity budgets of wild female chimpanzees in different reproductive states. Journal of Ethology19: 17-21. Article
Marchant LF McGrew WC 2001. Wild chimpanzees are manually unlateralized: Replicative data from the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. American Journal of Physical AnthropologySuppl 32:102. Abstract
Marchant LF McGrew WC 2001. Wild chimpanzees are manually unlateralized: Replicative data from the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. American Journal of Physical AnthropologySuppl 32: 102. Abstract
Kutsukake N 2001. Through the eyes of neighbors: vigilance behaviour in wild chimpanzees. In: Abstracts of the Hayashibara Forum 2001 & The 4th International SAGA symposium Evolutionary Neighbors Okayama. Abstract
Ketch LA Malloch D Mahaney WC Huffman MA 2001. Chemistry microbiology and clay mineralogy of soils eaten by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Soil Biology and Biochemistry33: 199-203. Article
Ihobe H Adachi K 2001. Mixed species associations of red colobus at Mahale. The 18th Congress of the International Primatological Society. Primates in the New Millennium. Abstracts and Programme. Adelaid: IPS.pp 424. Abstract
Huffman MA Pebsworth P Bakuneeta C Gotoh S Obbo C kiwedi Z Kalamagi J Mohumuza G 2001. Ecological factors influencing the behavioural diversity of leaf-swallowing and other health maintenance aspects of the diet in chimpanzees of Budongo and Mahale. Primate Eye75: 23. Abstract
Huffman MA Caton JM 2001. Self-induced increase of gut motility and the control of parasitic infections in wild chimpanzees. International Journal of Primatology 22: 329-346. Article
Huffman MA 2001. A bio-cultural approach to discovering and evaluating herbal anthelmintics: The role of animal behavior and ethnobotanical studies. Symposium Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa Abstracts Nairobip. 13. Abstract
Huffman MA 2001. Self-medicative behavior in the African Great Apes- An evolutionary perspective into the origins of human traditional medicine. BioScience51: 651-661. Article
Hosaka K Nishida T Hamai M Matsumoto-Oda A Uehara S 2001. Predation of mammals by the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. In: All Apes Great and Small vol. 1: African Apes BMF Galdikas NE Briggs LK Sheeran GL Shapiro J Goodall (eds) Kluwer Academic Publishers New York pp. 107-130. Chapter
Corp N Byrne R 2001. Development of a plant-processing skill in Mahale chimpanzees. The 18th Congress of the International Primatological Society. Primates in the New Millennium. Abstracts and Programme. Adelaid: IPS.pp 211. Abstract
Aufreiter S Mahaney WC Milner MW Huffman MA Hancock RGV Wink M Reich M Rana S 2001. Mineralogical and chemical interactions of soils eaten by chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains and Gombe Stream National Parks Tanzania. Journal of Chemical Ecology27: 285-311. Article
Zamma K 2002. Seasonal change of the density of ticks and grooming among chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Anthropological Science110: 128. Abstract
Zamma K 2002. A chimpanzee trifling with a squirrel: pleasure derived from teasing? Pan Africa News9(1):9-11. Article
Zamma K 2002. Leaf-grooming by a wild chimpanzee in Mahale. Primates43: 87-90. Article
Wakibara JV Mnaya BJ 2002. Possible control of Senna spectabilis (Caesalpiniaceae) an invasive tree at Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Oryx36:357-363. Article
Uehara S Nakamura M 2002. What does diversity in cultural behaviour of chimpanzees tell us with respect to their conservation? Third TAWIRI (Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute) Annual Scientific Conference: Application of Research Results in the Conservation of Wildlife Resources (Abstracts) Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Arushap. 36. Abstract
Uehara S 2002. Comparison of census data between 1996 and 2000 on medium- and large-sized diurnal mammals especially monkeys at Mahale. Anthropological Science110: 63. Abstract
Uehara S 2002. Evidence of the leaf-clipping behavior by a chimpanzee of an unhabituated group at Mahale. Pan Africa News9(1): 3-4. Article
Shimizu D Gunji H Hashimoto H Hosaka K Huffman MA Matsumoto-Oda A Kawanaka K Nishida T 2002. The four chimpanzee skulls collected in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Anthropological Science110:251-266. Article
Purcell Z 2002. Chimpanzee viewing and regulation: Mahale Mountains National Park. Pan Africa News9(2):17-19. Essay
Nishida T 2002. The chimpanzees of Mahale: Current states of conservation and research. COE International Symposium Research on Long-lived Animals: The Past Present and Future of Longitudinal Studies Abstracts Inuyamap. 48. Abstract
Nishida T 2002. Competition between baboons and chimpanzees at Mahale. Pan Africa News9(2):23-26. Article
Nishida T 2002. A self-medicating attempt to remove the sand flea from a toe by a young chimpanzee. Pan Africa News9(1):5-6. Article
Nakamura M Itoh N 2002. Plant food sharing among wild chimpanzees: two cases from Mahale Tanzania. Anthropological Science110: 90. Abstract
Nakamura M 2002. Developmental process of cultural grooming: an active role by the mother? In: Evolution of the Apes and the Origin of the Human Beings COE International Symposium Inuyamap. 16. Abstract
Nakamura M 2002. Culture in social behaviors. In: Abstracts of the XIXth Congress: The International Primatological Society Mammalogical Society of China Beijingp. 55. Abstract
Nakamura M 2002. Grooming-hand-clasp in Mahale M group chimpanzees: implication for culture in social behaviors. In: Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos C Boesch G Hohmann LF Marchant (eds) Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 71-83. Chapter
Matsusaka T Kutsukake N 2002. Use of leaf-sponge and leaf-spoon by juvenile chimpanzees at Mahale. Pan Africa News9(1):6-9. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A Kasuya E Takahata Y 2002. Synchrony and asynchrony of estrous swelling in Mahale chimpanzees: II. Anthropological Science110: 72. Abstract
Matsumoto-Oda A 2002. Social relationships between cycling females and males in Mahale chimpanzees. In: Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos C Boesch G Hohmann LF Marchant (eds) Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 168-180. Chapter
Matsumoto-Oda A 2002. Behavioral seasonality in Mahale chimpanzees. Primates43: 103-117. Article
Kutsukake N Matsusaka T 2002. Incident of intense aggression by chimpanzees against an infant from another group in Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. American Journal of Primatology 58: 175-180. Article
Kutsukake N 2002. Conflict management following aggression in wild chimpanzees of Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. In Abstracts of COE International symposium Research on long-lived animals Inuyama. Abstract
Kutsukake N 2002. Intraspecific variation in conflict management in chimpanzees. In: Abstracts of the 2nd International symposium for Comparative Cognitive Science Social transmission of knowledge Inuyamap. 73. Abstract
Kutsukake N 2002. Absence of group size effect on vigilance in wild chimpanzees. In: Abstracts of the 9th International Behavioral Ecology Congress Montrealp. 74. Abstract
Kutsukake N 2002. Social anxiety among wild chimpanzees. In: Abstracts of the XIXth Congress: The International Primatological Society Mammalogical Society of China Beijingp. 318. Abstract
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Ihobe H 2002. Food overlap between chimpanzees and Cercopitecidae. Anthropological Science110: 128. Abstract
Huffman MA Pebsworth P Bakuneeta C Gotoh S Obbo C Kiwedi Z Karamaji J Muhumuza G 2002. Ecological factors influencing the behavioural diversity of leaf-swallowing and host parasite relationships in chimpanzees of Budongo and Mahale. COE International Symposium Research on Long-lived Animals: The Past Present and Future of Longitudinal Field Studies Abstracts Inuyamap. 65. Abstract
Corp N Byrne RW 2002. Leaf processing by wild chimpanzees: physically defended leaves reveal complex manual skills. Ethology108: 673-696. Article
Corp N Byrne RW 2002. The ontogeny of manual skill in wild chimpanzees: evidence from feeding on the fruit of Saba florida. Behaviour139: 137-168. Article
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Uehara S 2003. Population densities of diurnal mammals sympatric with the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains Tanzania: Comparison between the census data of 1996 and 2000. African Study Monographs24(3):169-179. Article
Shimada M 2003. A note on the southern neighboring groups of M group. Pan Africa News10(1):11-14. Article
Nishida T Wallauer W 2003. Leaf-pile pulling: An unusual play pattern in wild chimpanzees. American Journal of Primatology 60:167-173. Article
Nishida T Corp N Hamai M Hasegawa T Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M Hosaka K Hunt KD Itoh N Kawanaka K Matsumoto-Oda A Mitani JC Nakamura M Norikoshi K Sakamaki T Tuner L Uehara S Zamma K 2003. Demography female life history and reproductive profiles among the chimpanzees of Mahale. American Journal of Primatology 59(3):99-121. Article
Nishida T 2003. Harassment of mature female chimpanzees by young males in the Mahale Mountains. International Journal of Primatology 24(3): 503-514. Article
Nishida T 2003. Individuality and flexibility of cultural behavior patterns in chimpanzees. In: Animal Social Complexity and Intelligence FBM de Waal P Tyack (eds) Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass. 392-413. Chapter
Nakamura M 2003. Gatherings' of social grooming among wild chimpanzees: implications for evolution of sociality. Journal of Human Evolution44(1):59-71. Article
Kutsukake N 2003. Assessing relationship quality and social anxiety among wild chimpanzees using self-directed behaviour. Behaviour140:1153-1171. Article
Huffman MA Hirata S 2003. Biological and Ecological Foundations of Primate Behavioral Traditions. In: The Biology of Traditions DM Fragaszy S Perry (eds) University of Cambridge Press Cambridge pp. 267-296. Chapter
Huffman MA 2003. Animal self-medication and ethnomedicine: exploration and exploitation of the medicinal properties of plants. Proceeding of the Nutritional Society62: 371-381. Article
Gunji H Hosaka K Huffman MA Kawanaka K Matsumoto-Oda A Hamada Y Nishida T 2003. Extraordinarily low bone mineral density in an old female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) from the Mahale Mountains National Park. Primates44(2):145-149. Article
de Waal FBM 2003. Losing ten pounds to gain knowledge. Pan Africa News10: 17-19. Essay
Byrne RW Corp N 2003. Acquisition of skilled gathering techniques in Mahale chimpanzees. Pan Africa News10(1):4-7. Article
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Zamma K Fujita S 2004. Genito-genital rubbing among the chimpanzees of Mahale and Bossou. Pan africa News11: 5-8. Article
Zamma K 2004. Reciprocity of object removing movements in grooming among chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 37. Abstract
Wakibara JV 2004. Great apes and seed dispersal: implications for conservation. In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 57. Abstract
Shimada M Matumula M 2004. Chimpanzee attitude toward a seriously weakened adolescent female at Mahale. Pan Africa News11: 6-8. Article
Shimada M 2004. On the pant-hoot chorusing behavior of male and female chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 29. Abstract
Sakamaki T 2004. How do female chimpanzees see the dominance relationship among males?: measured by pant-grunt vocalizations. In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 28. Abstract
Nishie H 2004. Increased hunting of yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) by M group chimpanzees at Mahale. Pan Africa News11: 10-12. Article
Nishida T Mitani JC Watts DP 2004. Variable grooming behaviors in wild chimpanzees. Folia Primatologica75: 31-36. Article
Nishida T 2004. Introduction: The Great Apes Symposium. In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 40. Abstract
Nishida T 2004. Lack of group play in wild chimpanzees. Pan Africa News11: 2-3. Article
Nakamura M Uehara S 2004. Proximate factors of two types of grooming-hand-clasp in Mahale chimpanzees: implication for chimpanzee social customs. Current Anthropology45: 108-114. Article
Nakamura M 2004. Another side of culture: beyond humanlike complexities. In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 43. Abstract
Nakai M Zamma K 2004. Position and movement of the testes of wild chimpanzees at Mahale. Pan Africa News11: 4-6. Article
McGrew WC 2004. Compare and contrast: cultural primatology and the cultures of primatology in the chimpanzees of Mahale and Gombe Tanzania. In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 41. Abstract
Matsusaka T Kabumbe AK 2004. A preliminary report on the lost child and the isolation calls in wild chimpanzees at Mahale. In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 24. Abstract
Matsusaka T 2004. When does play panting occur during social play in wild chimpanzees? Primates45: 221-229. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A Kasuya E 2004. Proximity and estrous synchrony in mahale chimpanzees. In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 23. Abstract
Kutsukake N Castles DL 2004. Reconciliation and post-conflict third-party affiliation among wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Primates45: 157-165. Article
Kutsukake N 2004. Social correlates of posture in wild chimpanzees. In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 22. Abstract
Kaur T Huffman MA 2004. Descriptive urological record of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the wild and limitations associated with using multi-reagent dipstick test strips. Journal of Medical Primatology33(4): 187-196. Article
Itoh N 2004. Plant phenology and foraging behavior of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 19. Abstract
Hosaka K 2004. What can we learn from group hunting behavior of chimpanzees? In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyotop. 16. Abstract
Fujita S Shimizu K 2004. Activity diet fecal steroids and reproductive parameters in female chimpanzees: comparisons between Mahale (Tanzania) and Bosssou (Guinea). In: African Great Apes: Evolution Diversity and Conservation Program & Abstracts. Kyoto University Kyoto p. 13. Abstract
Corp N Byrne RW 2004. Sex difference in chimpanzee handedness. American Journal of Physical Anthropology123: 62-68. Article
Carlson KJ Doran DM Hunt KD Nishida T Yamanaka A Boesch C 2004. Cross-sectional geometry and locomotor behavior of habituated chimpanzees from the Tai and Mahale National Parks. American Journal of Physical AnthropologySuppl 38:73. Abstract
Zamma K 2005. Do chimpanzees remove ectoparasites efficiently? In: Abstracts and Programme of The Fifth TAWIRI Annual Scientific Conference: People and Wildlife: Promoting Conservation While Balancing Needs. Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Arusha p. 42. Abstract
Zamma K 2005. Rejecting a bit of meat to get more. Pan Africa News12(1):8-10. Article
Wakibara JV 2005. Abundance and dispersion of some chimpanzee-dispersed fruiting plants at Mahale Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology43(2):107-113. Article
Sasaki H 2005. Tabanid flies (Diptera:Tabanidae) of the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania East Africa. J. Rakuno Gakuen Univ.30(1): 93-98. Article
Nishida T Mwinuka C 2005. Introduction of seasonal park fee system to Mahale Mountains National Park: a proposal. Pan Africa News12(2):17-19. Article
Nishida T 2005. Conserving the great apes. In : World Atlas of Great Apes and the Conservation Caldecott J & Miles L (eds) University of California Press Berkeley pp.215-216. Chapter
Nishida T 2005. History of the Chimpanzee Research at the Mahle Mountains. In: Abstracts and Programme of The Fifth TAWIRI Annual Scientific Conference: People and Wildlife: Promoting Conservation While Balancing Needs. Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Arusha p. 41. Abstract
Nishida T 2005. Obituary: Professor Shigeo Uehara: member of the editorial board of Pan Africa News. Pan Africa News12(1):2-3. Essay
Nishida T 2005. Chimpanzee behavioral variability as the focus of conservation. In: Abstracts of the Plenary Symposium Poster and Oral Papers Presented at Ninth International Mammalogical Congress. The Science Council of Japan and The Mammalogical Society of Japan Sapporo p. 202-203. Abstract
Nakamura M Nishie H Mwinuka C 2005. Survey of the southern part of the Mahale Mountains. Pan Africa News12(1):5-8. Article
Nakamura M Itoh N 2005 Notes on the behavior of a newly immigrated female chimpanzee to the Mahale M group. Pan Africa News12(2):20-22. Article
Nakamura M Idani G Ogawa H Nishie H Mwinuka C 2005. Chimpanzees in the dry habitat: conservation implications for Mahale and Ugalla. In: Abstracts and Programme of The Fifth TAWIRI Annual Scientific Conference: People and Wildlife: Promoting Conservation While Balancing Needs. Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Arusha p. 41. Abstract
Nakamura M 2005. Networks of social grooming among chimpanzees. In: Abstracts of the Kyoto Conference: Delphinids and Primates Social Ecology. Kyoto University Kyoto p. 29. Abstract
Nakamura M 2005. Networks of social grooming among chimpanzees. In: Abstracts of the Plenary Symposium Poster and Oral Papers Presented at Ninth International Mammalogical Congress. The Science Council of Japan and The Mammalogical Society of Japan Sapporo p. 17. Abstract
McGrew WC 2005. Mahale and Gombe compared: patterns of research on wild chimpanzees over four decades. American Journal of Physical AnthropologySuppl 40: 149. Abstract
McGrew WC 2005. Mahale and Gombe compared: patterns of research on wild chimpanzees over four decades. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Suppl 40:149. Abstract
Matsumoto-Oda A Tomonaga M 2005. Intentional control of sound production found in leaf-clipping display of Mahale chimpanzees. Journal of Ethology23:109-112. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A Kasuya E 2005. Proximity and estrous synchrony in Mahale chimpanzees. American Journal of Primatology66:159-166. Article
Marchant LF McGrew WC 2005. Manual laterality in ant fishing by wild chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Suppl 40:144. Abstract
Kutsukake N 2005. Variation in dyadic relationship quality and behavioural assessments of social anxiety in wild chimpanzees. Primate Eye86: 20-21. Abstract
Itoh N Nishida T 2005. Chimpanzees grouping pattern and fruit food avalability in Mahale National Park Tanzania. In: Abstracts and Programme of The Fifth TAWIRI Annual Scientific Conference: People and Wildlife: Promoting Conservation While Balancing Needs. Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Arusha pp. 42-43. Abstract
Inoue E 2005. The current status of the genetic research of chimpanzees at Mahale. In: Abstracts and Programme of The Fifth TAWIRI Annual Scientific Conference: People and Wildlife: Promoting Conservation While Balancing Needs. Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Arusha p. 43. Abstract
Inoue E 2005. DNA sampling and DNA analysis of chimpanzees at Mahale. Pan Africa News12(2):22-24. Article
Ihobe H 2005. Life-span of Chimpanzee Beds at the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Pan Africa News12(1):10-12. Article
Turner LA 2006. Vegetation and chimpanzee ranging in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science Kyoto University (Series of Biology)18:45-82. Article
Turner LA 2006. Seed dispersal of a tropical forest tree Pycnanthus angolensis (Myristricaceae) by chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science Kyoto University (Series of Biology)18:35-43. Article
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Nishida T Inaba A 2006. A pirouette: rotational play in wild chimpanzees. International Journal of Primatology27 Supplement: #453. Abstract
Nakamura M Sakamaki T 2006. Habituating the neighbors: a preliminary report on the Mahale Y group chimpanzees in Western Tanzania. In: Abstracts of Symposium International Recherche et Conservation des Grands Singes Africains: 30eme Anniversaire du Projet Bossou-Nimba. KUPRI DNRST and IREB Conakry pp. 22-23. Abstract
Nakamura M Nishida T 2006. Subtle behavioral variation in wild chimpanzees with special reference to Imanishi's concept of kaluchua. Primates47:35-42. Article
Mitani JC McGrew WC Wrangham R 2006. Toshisada Nishida's contributions to primatology. Primates27(1): 2-5. Essay
Matsusaka T Nishie H ShimadaM Kutsukake N Zamma K Nakamura M Nishida T 2006. Tool-use for drinking water by immature chimpanzees of Mahale: prevalence of an unessential behavior. Primates47(2):113-122. Article
Matsusaka T Katumba KA 2006. Maternal responses to offspring's separation calls in wild chimpanzees at Mahale. International Journal of Primatology27 (Supplement 1):#337. Abstract
Kutsukake N 2006. The context and quality of social relationships affect vigilance behaviour in wild chimpanzees. Ethology112: 581-591. Article
Ihobe H 2006. A comparison between dry and rainy seasons on bed building by chimpanzees at Mahale Tanzania. Anthropological Science114:240. Abstract
Hanamura S Kiyono M Nakamura M Sakamaki T Itoh N Zamma K Kitiopeni R Matumula M Nishida T 2006. A new code of observation employed at Mahale: prevention against a flue-like disease. Pan Africa News13:13-16. Article
Yamagiwa J Nakamura M Nishida T 2007. Ecological and social diversity of African great apes and human evolution. In: Formation of a Strategic Base for Biodiversity Studies The 21st Century COE Program of Kyoto University pp. 273-277. Article
Sakamaki T Nakamura M Nishida T 2007. Evidence of cultural differences in diet between two neighboring unit groups of chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Pan Africa News14:3-5. Article
Sakamaki T Nakamura M 2007. Preliminary survey of unhabituated chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania: Behavioral diversity across neighboring unit-groups and intergroup relationships. In: Formation of a Strategic Base for Biodiversity Studies The 21st Century COE Program of Kyoto University pp. 278-280. Article
Nishida T Fujita S Matsusaka T Shimada M Kitopeni R 2007. Dermatophytosis of M group chimpanzees Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Pan Africa News14: 5-6. Article
Nishida T Fujita S Inaba A Kooriyama T 2007. Note on a subcutaneous tumor found among wild chimpanzees. Pan Africa News14 :31-32. Article
Nishida T 2007. GRASP-Japan activities GRASP Newsletter7 (Nov.2007): 4 Essay
Nishida T 2007. Throwing behavior among wild chimpanzees. Anthropological Science115: 250 Abstract
McGrew WC 2007. Mahale and Gombe compared: patterns of research on wild chimpanzees in Tanzania over four decades. African Study Monographs28: 143-153. Article
Matsusaka T 2007. Exploratory-threat behaviors in wild chimpanzees encountering a porcupine. Pan Africa News14(2): 29-31. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A Kutsukake N Hosaka K Matsusaka T 2007. Sniffing behaviors in Mahale chimpanzees. Primates48:81-85. Article
Matsumoto-Oda A Hamai M Hayaki H Hosaka K Hunt KD Kasuya E Kawanaka K Mitani JC Takasaki H Takahata Y 2007. Estrus cycle asynchrony in wild female chimpanzees Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology61:611-618. Article
Kutsukake N 2007. Conspecific influences on vigilance behaviour in wild chimpanzees. International Journal of Primatology28: 907-918. Article
Itoh N Nishida T 2007. Chimpanzee grouping patterns and food availability in Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates48:87-96. Article
Inoue E Inoue-Murayama M Takenaka O Nishida T 2007. Wild chimpanzee infant urine and saliva sampled noninvasively usable for DNA analyses. Primates 48:156-159. Article
Ihobe H 2007. Relationships between bed-building and feeding behavior by chimpanzees at Mahale Tanzania. Anthropological Science115: 251. Abstract
Fujita S Kageyama T 2007. Polymerase chain reaction detection of Clostridium perfringens in feces from captive and wild chimpanzees Pan troglodytes. Journal of Medical Primatology36:25-32. Article
Wrangham RW Hagel G Leighton M Marshall AJ Waldau P Nishida T 2008. The Great Ape World Heritage Species Project. In: Consevation in the 21st Century: Gorillas as the case study Stoinski TS Stelkis HD Mehlman PT (eds) Springer pp.282-295. Chapter
Thompson ME Brewer-Marsden S Goodall J Jones JH Marsden D Matsuzawa T Nishida T Pusey AE Reynolds V Sugiyama Y Wrangham RW 2008. Aging and fertility in wild chimpanzees. Current Biology 17: 2150-2156. Article
Nishida T Nakamura M 2008. Long-term research and conservation in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. In: Science and Conservation in African Forests: The Benefits of Long-term Research. Wrangham RW Ross E (eds) Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 173-183. Chapter
Nishida T 2008. 'Of Monkey & Man' Dr. Nishida wins Leakey Award after 40 years of Revolutionary Chimpanzee Research. Nichi Bei Times #16 701 November 13-19 Feature page 8. Essay
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Nishida T 2008. Why were guava trees cut down in Mahale Park? The question of exterminating all induced plants. Pan Africa News15: 12-14. Article
Nakamura M Nishida T 2008. Developmental process of grooming hand-clasp by chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains Tanzania. Primate Eye96 Special Issue:247. Abstract
Nakamura M Itoh N 2008. Hunting with tools by Mahale chimpanzees. Pan Africa News15:3-6 Article
Lukasik-Braum M Spelman L 2008. Chimpanzee respiratory disease and visitation rules at Mahale and Gombe national parks in Tanzania. American Journal of Primatology70: 734-737. Article
Kiyono-Fuse M 2008. Use of wet hair to capture swarming temites by a chimpanzee in Mahale Tanzania. Pan Africa News15(1):8-12. Article
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Kaur T Singh J Tong S Humphrey C Clevenger D Tan W Szekely B Wang Y Li Y Alex Muse E Kiyono M Hanamura S Inoue E Nakamura M Huffman MA Jiang B Nishida T 2008. Descriptive epidemiology of fatal respiratory outbreaks and detection of a human-related metapneumovirus in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at Mahale Mountains National Park Western Tanzania. American Journal of Primatology70:755-65. Article
Inoue-Murayama M Inoue E Hong K-W Nishida T Ito S Murayama Y 2008. Interspecies and intraspecies variations in the serotonin transporter gene intron 3 VNTR in nonhuman primates. Primate Eye96 Special Issue: 79. Abstract
Inoue-Murayama M Hibino E Iwatsuki H Inoue E Hong KW Nishida T Hayasaka I Ito S Murayama Y 2008. Interspecies and intraspecies variations in the serotonin transporter gene intron 3 VNTR in nonhuman primates. Primates49: 139-142. Article
Inoue E Inoue-Murayama M Vigilant L Takenaka O Nishida T 2008. Y-STR polymorphism in wild chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park. Primate Eye96 Special Issue:191. Abstract
Inoue E Inoue-Murayama M Vigilant L Takenaka O Nishida T 2008. Relatedness in wild chimpanzees: influence of paternity male philopatry and demographic factors. American Journal of Physical Anthropology137: 256-262. Article
Ihobe H 2008. Relatiohships between nest building and ranging behavior in the M group chimpanzees at Mahale Tanzania. Primate Eye96 Special Issue: 296. Abstract
Hanamura S Kiyono M Lukasik-Braum M Mlengeya T Fujimoto M Nakamura M Nishida T 2008. Chimpanzee deaths at Mahale caused by a flu-like disease. Primates 49:77-80. Article
Fujimoto M Shimada M 2008. Newly observed predation of wild birds by M-group chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at Mahale Tanzania. Pan Africa News15: 23-26. Article
Fujimoto M Hanamura S 2008. Responses of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) toward seismic aftershocks in the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates 49:73-76. Article
Carlson KJ Wrangham RW Muller MN Muller Summer DR Morbeck ME Nishida T Yamanaka A Boesch C 2008. Comparisons of limb straucturural properties in habituated chimpanzees from Kibale Gombe Mahale and Tai communities. Primate Eye96 Special Issue: 272. Abstract
Sakamaki T 2009. Group unity of chimpanzees elucidated by comparison of sex differences in short-range interactions in Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates50: 321-332. Article
Nishida T Zamma K Matsusaka T Inaba A McGrew WC 2009. Audio-visual ethogram and its application. Anthropological Science117 Abstract
Nishida T Matsusaka T McGrew WC 2009. Emergence propagation or disappearance of novel behavioral patterns in the habituated chimpanzees of Mahale: a review. Primates50:23-36. Article
Nishida T Inaba A 2009. Pirouettes: the rotational play of wild chimpanzees. Primates50:333-341. Article
Nishida T 2009. Editorial: The 60th anniversary of Japanese primatology. Primates50:1-2. Essay
Nakamura M Nishida T 2009. Chimpanzee tourism in relation to the viewing regulations at the Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primate Conservation24:online(1-6). Article
Nakamura M 2009. Long-term field studies of chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primate ReportSpecial Issue-2: 27. Abstract
Nakamura M 2009. Aesthete in the forest? A female chimpanzee at Mahale collected and carried guineafowl feathers. Pan Africa News16:17-19. Article
Kooriyama T 2009. The death of a newborn chimpanzee at Mahale: reactions of its mother and other individuals to the body. Pan Africa News16: 19-21. Article
Inaba A 2009. Power takeover occurred in M group of the Mahale Mountains Tanzania in 2007. Pan Africa News16: 13-15. Article
Huffman MA Pebsworth P Bakuneeta C Gotoh S Bardi M 2009. Chimpanzee-parasite ecology in Budongo Forest (Uganda) and the Mahale Mountains (Tanzania): influence of climatic differences on self-medicative behavior. In: Primate Parasite ecology: The Dynamics and Study of Host-parasite Relationships. Huffman MA Chapman CA (eds) New York: Cambridge Univ Press. pp 331-350. Chapter
Corp N Hayaki H Matsusaka T Fujita S Hosaka K Kutsukake N Nakamura M Nakamura M Nishie H Shimada M Zamma K Wallauer W Nishida T 2009. Prevalence of muzzle-rubbing and hand-rubbing behavior in wild chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates50:184-189. Article
Shimada M 2010. Comparing play patterns in juvenile Japanese macaques at Arashiyama and other field sites in Japan. Primate Research26 supplement: 71. Abstract
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Nishie H 2010. Ecological context of Camponotus ant-fishing among the M group chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primate Research26 Supplement: 419. Abstract
Nishida T Zamma K Matsusaka T Inaba A McGrew WC 2010. Chimpanzee Behavior in the Wild.Springer Tokyo.Book
Nishida T Inaba A Itoh N Kooriyama T Nakamura M Nishie H Sakamaki T Zamma K 2010. How adult male chimpanzees of Mahale acquire the alpha status? Primate Research26 Supplement: 138. Abstract
Nishida T 2010. Puffy inherits a habit from her father? Pan Africa News17: 10-11. Article
Nakamura M 2010. Poke-type social scratching persists at Mahale. Pan Africa News17(2):15-17. Article
Nakamura M 2010. Ubiquity of culture and possible social inheritance of sociality among wild chimpanzees. In: The Mind of the Chimpanzee: Ecological and Experimental Perspectives. Lonsdorf EV Ross SR Matsuzawa T (eds) University of Chicago Press pp. 156-167. Chapter
Kooriyama T Inaba A Nishida T Iwaki T 2010. Case report of helminths and lung mite infection in the red-tailed monkey Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti in Mahale Mountains National Park Tanzania. Primates51: 183-188. Article
Ihobe H Tashiro Y Zamma K Tsuji Y Uehara S 2010. Sympatric great apes and cercopithecids in the Mahale Mountains Tanzania and the Kalinzu Forest Uganda. Primate Research26 Supplement: 291. Abstract
Hanamura S 2010. Ethnomethod of the interactions through long-distance call pant-hoot and the relation with their fission-fusion grouping pattern of chimpanzees at Mahale. Primate Research26 Supplement: 419 Abstract
Carlson KJ Wrangham RW Muller MN Sumner DR Morbeck ME Nishida T Yamanaka A Boesch C 2010. Comparisons of limb structural properties in free-ranging chimpanzees from Kibale Gombe Mahale and Tai communities. In: Primate Locomotion: Linking Field and Laboratory Research. Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects. D'Aout K Vereecke EE (eds) Springer New York pp. 155-182. Chapter
Zamma K Nakashima M Ramadhani A 2011. Mahale chimpanzees start to eat oil palm. Pan Africa News18: 6-8. Article
Zamma K 2011. Responses of chimpanzees to a python. Pan Africa News18: 13-15. Article
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Matsumoto T Hayaki H 2015. Development and growth: With special reference to mother-infant relationships. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 313-325. Chapter
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Kooriyama T Hasegawa H 2015. Internal parasites. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 639-653. Chapter
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Kaburu SSK Newton-Fisher NE 2015. Egalitarian despots: hierarchy steepness reciprocity and the grooming-trade model in wild chimpanzees Pan troglodytes. Animal Behaviour99: 61-71. Article
Kaburu SSK Newton-Fisher NE 2015. Trading or coercion? Variation in male mating strategies between two communities of East African chimpanzees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology69: 1039-1052. Article
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Itoh N Nakamura M 2015. Mahale flora: Its historical background and long-term changes. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 150-173. Chapter
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Itoh N Muramatsu D 2015. Patterns and trends in fruiting phenology: Some important implications for chimpanzee diet. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 174-194. Chapter
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Huffman MA 2015. Chimpanzee self-medication: A historical perspective of the key findings. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 340-353. Chapter
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Hosaka K Nakamura M 2015. Male-male relationships. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 387-398. Chapter
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Hosaka K Ihobe H 2015. Interspecific relationships. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 213-224. Chapter
Hosaka K Huffman MA 2015. Gerontology. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 326-339. Chapter
Hosaka K 2015. Intimidation display. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 435-447. Chapter
Hosaka K 2015. Hunting and food sharing. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 274-290. Chapter
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Hayakawa T 2015. Taste of chimpanzee foods. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 246-258. Chapter
Hanamura S Kooriyama T Hosaka K 2015. Diseases and deaths: variety and impact on social life. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M Hosaka K Itoh N Zamma K. Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp. 354-371. Chapter
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Matsumoto T Itoh N Inoue S Nakamura M 2016. An observation of a severely disabled infant chimpanzee in the wild and her interactions with her mother. Primates57:3-7. Article
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