Upcoming event: Celebration of 30 Years of Research at Mahale

Image of video by Kazuhiko Hosaka

* The Mahale Wildlife Conservation Society (MWCS), Serengeti Wildlife Research Centre (SWRI), Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) and the Kyoto University Ape Expedition to Africa (KUAPE) are jointly planning to celebrate the 30th anniversary of research in the Mahale Mountains, which began in October, 1965. The opening ceremony, to be held at the National Museum, is on December 4th.

Professor Hosea Kayumbo of the University of Dar es Salaam and the President of the MWCS has proposed a one week exhibition in the National Museum and a one-day scientific workshop to celebrate the anniversary. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has offered to sponsor the workshop thanks to a proposal by Ms. Kozo Tomita, Mr. Isao Akai and Dr. Fumio Fukuda (consultants sent from Japan to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Tanzania). Included will be a poster exhibit to illustrate various aspects of the research and its history, maps of the park, Tanzania National Park conservation strategies in addition to photographs of various chimpanzee behaviors and the chimpanzee environment. The posters will continue on display in the museum for five days after the opening ceremony.

The two-day workshop will be held in the Kilimanjaro Hotel on 5 and 6 December and a list of possible speakers and their topics is given below:

Prof. Hosea Y. Kayumbo (University of Dar-es- Salaam):

Prof. Toshisada Nishida (Kyoto University):

Prof. Shigeo Uehara (Sapporo University):

Dr. Jane Goodall (Gombe Stream Research Centre):

Mr. Costa Mlay (Director General, SWRI):

Mr. Lota Melamari (Director General, Tanzania National Parks):

Dr. George Sabuni (Co-Director, SWRI):

Dr. Fatuma Mturi (University of Dar-es- Salaam):

Mr. Edeus Massawe (Acting Director, Mahale Mountains Wildlife Research Centre):

Anyone who is interested in the wildlife of Tanzania is most welcome to join us for this anniversary celebration.

Toshisada Nishida
Department of Zoology
Kyoto University

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