Professor Kenji Kawanaka: Founding Member of the Mahale Wildlife Conservation Society

Hiroyuki Takasaki
Okayama University of Science

Dr. Kenji Kawanaka, Professor Emeritus of Okayama University of Science, deceased on the evening of 1 October 2006 at the age of 63. His contribution to field primatology —in particular, chimpanzee research in Mahale Mountains, Tanzania— is unerasable. Besides his scientific achievements, his efforts to improve and maintain the infrastructure and human relationships at Mahale —e.g., housing and boat building as well as education and scholarships for local children— benefited all others more than himself. He was one of the researchers most loved not only by his colleagues but by the local people. No doubt he must have rejoined with his old spiritual friends —both human and nonhuman— now dwelling in the bush, forest, and mist of Mahale.

Photo 1. When climbing Mt. Sibindi in 1969

Photo 2. At Kansyana Camp in 1969 (center)

Photo 3. At Lemon House, Kansyana Camp in 1983 (second from right, back row)

Photo 4. At Kansyana Camp in 1983 (right)

Photo 5. At White House, Kansyana Camp in 2001 (left, front row)

(Photos © T. Nishida)

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